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In this project, we conducted interviews with only a limited number of interviewees, including two Hakka speakers form two generations and one non-Hakka speakers who belongs to one of our former interviewees' family. It is suprising for us that our interviews are kind of indifferent to the fading voices of Hakka. Thus it is hard for the Hakka to revive if that is the case, and we arrive at an agreement that the necessity of reviving a language is small if its speakers are reluctant. We just want to raise awareness of this phenonmenon and figuring out its reasons.


As the analysis we make is based on only three interviewese, the result that the majority of Native Hakka speakers in Hong Kong sharing an increasingly weakened identity as a Hakka might not be the real case. Our analysis and discussions are merely based on the results of this project. It may not suffice to a whole picture of Hakka people in Hong Kong. 


There might be a number of Native Hakka speakers in Hong Kong who feel pity and are concerned about the decreasing population of Hakka speakers.


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